Being curious. Asking questions.
Taking risks. Big ideas.
What I've been reading in recent years that has brought goodness to my soul.
Sitting at the feet of those who have gone before us
To learn from another's life is one way we acquire greater wisdom. The books listed here are some that have and still infuse me with wisdom, insight, revelation and strength.

Epic adventures and stories
The books I recommend here have all played a significant role in my initiation journey as a man. Cultivating wonder, exploration and adventure is crucial - these books have helped / help me stay in that.

Big ideas and internal shepherding
The books listed here have been helpful in understanding my internal world better and have also invited me into experiments that examine my habits, beliefs and behaviours.

Reading with my 7 year old daughter
The books we read together in this season tend to naturally go in the direction of exploration and adventure. These books are helping us engage in conversation together.
My hope, as her dad is that this will be a framework for her to pursue for the rest of her life (seeing life as an adventure to live, being curious and asking questions.)

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