Wild at Heart BASIC – September 2024 |  Find out more

A small gathering of men around a fire. Simple.

Next fire: TBC  |  West Auckland, New Zealand

A small gathering of good men around a fire with a distinct purpose to share story and to listen to story. To see and to be seen.

Men grow stronger and faster when they share a fellowship with other men they trust. Let's Keep Rising is helping men find this life-giving community through the lighting of local campfires. A fire can change your life.

The culture

Our stories matter

Fires are a space for authentic masculinity. The mission is to create a soul-safe, non judgemental space for all men to be welcomed and honoured.

A place to come off the front-lines of life. To listen and to be listened to. To see and to be seen. To know and to be known.

A place for us to experience God together through the ancient practice of storytelling. 

We are all students, learning together what becoming wholehearted, mature men means. 

We get permission to leave our religious and professional credentials behind. God get’s centre stage and his Kingdom sets the agenda—In the end, there is nothing more valuable for a man than his true heart connecting more deeply with the true heart of God.

A culture of honour

"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour."  Romans 12:10

We listen intently to each other and walk in love. We are not here to 'get it right' or to 'fix one another.' 

When men share their stories, we can be tempted to react in a way that is dishonouring and minimising even though our hearts might be in the right place.

So to protect our hearts when sharing story:

  1. We don’t interrupt unless it’s to clarify something. 

  2. No counselling, teaching or preaching.

  3. We don’t derail a man’s story by opening up a part of our own story and shifting the focus to you.

  4. We all agree that what is shared around the fire stays at the fire.

Be yourself

Each man has permission to show up exactly as he is—nothing to hide, nothing to prove and nothing to fear.

All of us may get tempted to pose or hide behind a mask. You don’t need to pose, you don’t need to hide - you have permission to be seen as you are with no judgement, only love.

Vulnerability, courage, strength, and love are held in the highest regard.


When is it?

We current host 2 fires to the West and South of Auckland.

West Auckland fire: typically on a Wednesday evening - 7:30pm 9:30pm. 

South Auckland fire: typically on a Friday evening - 7:30pm 9:30pm. 

Sign-up below and state which fire you might be interesting in joining.

Do I need to sign up or can I just show up?

It would be great to touch base via an email, other than that just show up. No other communication needed.

What do I need to bring?

  • Bible, pen and journal

  • Own drinking mug

  • Anything else that makes you feel comfortable

Can I show up late?

Life happens. We usually get started at 7:30 to allow guys to trickle in. Try to get there before then so you don’t miss any valuable content or the exercises we do together. You’ll be glad you got there on time, but if you have to come late, that’s ok. Still come. 

Join us

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Find a fire near you

Together we are working with our allies at Wild at Heart  to connect and even equip men like you from all over the world to enjoy gathering around fires like this one.


We’ll send you occasional updates on upcoming events, podcasts, and more.

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